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08  September

Play park fence repaired after toddler escaped through it

23/07/2024 @ 11:42

A vandalised fence at Maesyrhandir Play Park that allowed a toddler to escape into the road, narrowly being knocked over, has been fully repaired. 

Newtown Town Council members were told last night that the fence, which had been temporarily repaired following the incident, had now been fully repaired.

The incident oriigjnally came to light in a report to town councillors in which it said the council's outdoor operations team quickly attended the scene at Maesyrhandir Play Park to make temporary repairs.

The report said: "During the incident, a very young toddler was observed and reported running unattended across the road toward Ynys Y Plant.

"It was noted that he had managed to breach the fencing at the roadside play park, as a section was missing. Fortunately, the toddler narrowly avoided being struck by a passing vehicle."

The report added: "The Ops Manager promptly reported the incident to the outdoor ops team, who promptly initiated a temporary repair as an immediate response.

"Additionally, the Ops Manager has coordinated with a local metalworking facility to facilitate the repair of the damaged 'hop top' fence for a more permanent solution. 

"Furthermore, the Ops Manager directed the outdoor ops team supervisor to incorporate perimeter fencing into the weekly safety inspection routine and emphasised that no authorisation is required to address any future damage, as clearance for such repairs has been granted by the Ops Manager."