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23  October

Fishing holiday lodge plans approved

11/05/2023 @ 03:23

New lodges have been approved by Powys County Council planners at a fishing pool near Newtown.

Brian Bancroft had applied to build the lodges along with new access, car parking and a foul water tank at Sawmill Pool in Kerry.

The proposal is to create three two-bed lodges together with a small maintenance store.

This would be part of one of the building’s structures and would be used to store equipment such as a lawnmower to maintain the site.

Planning agent Hughes Architects Ltd explained the proposal in a design and access statement.

It said said: “The fishing lake is used by Newtown and Severnside Angling Club every two weeks.

“The applicant also rents out the lake to locals on a pay-and-play basis.

“The lake is enclosed by an otter fence bearing in mind the considerable stock within the lake which comprises carp, roach, bream and tench and has benefited from a considerable programme of repair and renovation.”

Mr Majeski explained that over the last six years the applicant has made a “considerable investment.”

“This has resulted in an incredibly beautiful site being brought back into viable reuse as a community and recreational resource, ” said Mr Majeski.

Senior planning officer, Richard Edwards said: “The proposed development is not considered to impact upon any neighbouring properties in terms of loss of privacy.

“The application site is located within the conservation area of sawmills and is near the Grade II listed Brook Cottage.

Brook Cottage is 175 metres to the northwest of the site and the council’s built heritage officer Dr Sam Johnson was consulted on the proposal.

Dr Johnson said: “I have read the plans; I note the application utilises simple materials which are in keeping with similar structures of the same type.

“The buildings are single story, of plain design and type, and unobtrusive.

“Overall, there is a limited impact on the setting I can support the application.”

Mr Edwards said that he “approved” the application and included over 20 conditions, one of these is to include at least one electric car charging point at the site.





By Elgan Hearn, Local Democracy Reporting Service