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24  September

Town councillors back Milford Road speed limit changes

24/09/2024 @ 01:20

Calls for a 30mph speed limit along a Newtown road have been backed by town councillors.

A second motion has been made to reduce the speed limit on part of Milford Road which is at 40mph.

Last night, town councillors supported the motion which calls on Powys County Council to reduce the speed limit.

Cllr Peter Lewington, who was elected mayor at the meeting and who brought the motion to the full council, said the stretch of road is dangerous because there is no pavement for residents and other pedestrians.

The motion said: In a residents’ survey that I undertook in 2023 95% of residents said 40mph is NOT a safe speed for this stretch of road. Of these respondents 76% felt 30mph would be a safe speed limit and 24% felt 20mph would be a safe speed limit. So, I can confirm that there is widespread local support for reducing the speed limit and as the county
councillor for this ward I have formally requested that the 40mph speed limit be reduced to 30mph as soon as possible."