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14  September

Concerns raised over Pant-Llanymynech Bypass progress

29/08/2024 @ 09:25


Fears that a change in UK Government could impact the long-awaited Pant-Llanymynech Bypass have been aired in the Senedd by Montgomeryshire’s MP.

The Labour party swept to power last month, but Russell George wants to ensure that the much-needed bypass remains high on their local agenda.

The previous Conservative UK Government and the current Labour Welsh Government had committed to progressing the Pant-Llanymynech bypass, which remains an important road improvement and safety scheme.

Highways England have been leading on the project development in consultation with Welsh Government transport officials, but Mr George is now pressing the new Government to make progress.

He said in the Senedd: “The campaign for a Pant-Llanymynech bypass remains an important road improvement and safety scheme. The previous UK Government and the Welsh Government gave commitments to progressing the bypass, but I’m now keen to keep up the pressure on the new Labour Government in Westminster.

In a response to Mr George’s questioning, the Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Ken Skates, said: “National Highways prepared a strategic outline case which included four options, three bypass and one online improvement (this an enhancement or upgrade to the existing highway on its current alignment within the highway boundary).

“This case is with the Department for Transport for consideration for inclusion in their Roads Investment Strategy Period 3 (2025 to 2030).

“We will continue to work with National Highways to ensure any future scheme which may come forward is aligned to the Welsh Transport Strategy.”

Mr George replied: “My hope is that the new UK Government will make progress on this scheme. I continue to raise the scheme in the Senedd with the Minister on a regular basis.”