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27  July

Independents strengthen Council opposition

10/06/2024 @ 09:32


The Powys Independents Group confirms that its membership number on Powys County Council has increased to a total of 16, keeping them as the main opposition group on the regional authority.

Cllr Joy Jones, the member for Newtown East, is the latest non-aligned member to join the new group which was formed in May when The Independent Group and The Independents For Powys Group merged to form the main opposition party to the Lib-Dem and Labour coalition on Powys County Council.

Joint Leaders, Cllrs Ange Williams and Bev Baynham said: “We are delighted to welcome Cllr Joy Jones as a member of the Powys Independents Group.

“She is a vastly experienced and highly respected county councillor and will be a valued member of our growing group as we continue challenging the ruling coalition to help get the right outcomes for our residents.”

Cllr Jones said: “I am really pleased to have joined up with my independent colleagues in forming a strong opposition group. Together we are stronger and have a greater understanding of developments as they happen, which can only be for the benefit of all our residents across Powys.”

The move means that The Powys Independents still have one more seat than the Conservatives, whose numbers were boosted to 15 with the election of Cllr John Yeomans in the Rhiwcynon by-election last Tuesday.