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07  March

Newtown school praised by inspectors

16/12/2024 @ 11:59

Teachers and governors at one of Newtown's schools have been congratulated by inspectors for their work.

Estyn inspectors visited Ysgol Calon y Dderwen in October for its first report after the amalgamation of Ladywell Green and Hafren schools in 2021.

The report said: "The headteacher skilfully managed the amalgamation of the previous Infant and Junior schools, and with his deputy head, prioritise the development of a cohesive team successfully. Through consultation with the school community and by carefully considering their views, they foster a strong sense of collaboration and teamwork among the staff. 

"The headteacher works closely with staff and parents to establish a nurturing and inclusive school ethos, where pupils' well-being is at the centre of the school’s work. Leaders are turning the school vision of ‘Planting happiness, growing success’ into action."

It identified three recommendations for the school to address. These are: Further improve teaching and assessment to ensure that teachers have consistently high expectations of pupils, particularly the more able; Sharpen the school’s procedures for self-evaluation and monitoring; Ensure that the curriculum supports all pupils to develop their writing, problem-solving and digital skills effectively.

In response, headteacher Carl Hyde said: "The report highlights the many strengths of the school... It recognises the hard work of our incredible staff, who foster a strong sense of collaboration and teamwork and, along with the whole school community, work together to provide the very best opportunities for our wonderful children.

"We are proud that Calon y Dderwen has been described as a happy, nurturing and inclusive school, where pupils’ well-being is at the heart of all we do. Staff are highly skilled and are flexible in their approaches and respond to the needs of individual pupils thoughtfully."

He added: "Our working partnership with all our parents and the wider community is something we truly value and has been highlighted as a real strength too, and that this relationship is exemplary.

"As a result of strong foundation learning provision, children very quickly settle into routines and soon make progress.

"Our commitment to well-being is unconditional and there is a high degree of care and respect between staff and pupils, whose good behaviour has been commended."

He added:"The appetite from our whole school community – staff, governors, parents, families and friends – to continue on our journey together is incredible and, through high expectations, we will continue to deliver excellence and meet the demands we set ourselves."