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20  September

Action demanded over Newtown road speed limit.

20/09/2024 @ 04:43

Pressure is mounting to have a 30mph speed limit introduced to part of a Newtown road without a pavement but used by pedestrians.

Part of Milford Road leading into town from the Aberhafesp side has a 40mph speed limit despite residents, pedestrians and cyclists using it without a pavement.

Town and county councillor Peter Lewington and Newtown deputy mayor, Cllr Margaret Lewington, have both called for the speed limit to be reduced for safety reasons.

On Monday, in the latest motion to be taken to the town council, both councillors are urging the council to pressure Powys County Council to implement a 30mph speed limit.

The motion states: "I remind Council of the motion it approved from Councillor Margaret Lewington on 27th March 2023 which included confirmation of the town council’s support for safe travel on Milford Road and agreement for the town clerk to write to Powys County
Council expressing the town council’s support for a virtual safety path to be
implemented on Milford Road as part of the Active Travel network.

"As has been noted in the past the pedestrian and cyclist safety issues on the existing
40mph stretch of road from Hendidley Way heading out of town past Millfields are
compounded by the lack of a footpath."

He added: "In a residents’ survey that I undertook in 2023 95% of residents said 40mph is NOT a safe speed for this stretch of road. Of these respondents 76% felt 30mph would be a
safe speed limit and 24% felt 20mph would be a safe speed limit.

"So, I can confirm that there is widespread local support for reducing the speed limit and as the county councillor for this ward I have formally requested that the 40mph speed limit be reduced to 30mph as soon as possible."

It adds: "Consequently, I would ask the town council to write to Powys County Council formally requesting the introduction of a lower 30mph speed limit for this section of Milford Road and to ask Powys County Council to ensure this request is logged for review at a future date once the Welsh Government modifies its current speed limit guidance.

"The Town Council’s support coupled with the support of myself as the ward county councillor and the wider support of local residents would not only demonstrate the depth of support within the local community but highlight the very valid safety concerns meaning that there is an urgent need for action to be taken to make this stretch of road safer for our residents of all ages.

The residents’ concerns are further demonstrated by a petition which they will deliver to Powys County Council stating: “As residents, we are concerned for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists who use the 40mph stretch of Milford Road. We therefore ask Powys County Council to lower the speed here to 30mph”."

The motion states: “The Town Council acknowledges the safety concerns of local residents and confirms its on-going support for safe travel on Milford Road especially walking and cycling which has health benefits for all our residents. The Town Council requests the Town Clerk to write to the area traffic engineer at Powys County Council and the cabinet member for a greener Powys stating the Town Council’s support for the introduction of a lower 30mph speed limit on Milford Road to replace the existing 40mph speed limit and seek confirmation that this request has been logged for review."

Town councillors will consider the motion at a full council meeting on Monday.