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27  July

Battery Box plans approved

15/05/2024 @ 03:28

Plans for an energy storage facility in Newtown that could provide electricity for 200 homes during a power cut have been given the go ahead by Powys planners.

In February, Thomas Fox-Davies of AMP Clean Energy lodged a planning application with Powys County Council for the construction and operation of a micro energy storage facility at unit three on the Dyffryn enterprise park in Newtown.

The facility will be made up of a small compound which consists of three attached units and an electrical cabinet.

Each unit measures around 1.2 metres by 0.6 metres with a height of 2 metres.

The cabinets will be sited on concrete pad with an overall size of 6 metres long by 4.29 metres wide and surrounded by secure 2.4 metres high palisade fencing.

In a planning statement Mr Fox-Davies explained the proposal.

Mr Fox-Davies said: “This application seeks permission for an 800 kilowatt-hour Energy Storage System (ESS) also known as a battery box.”

AMP Clean Energy is developing battery boxes across the UK.

This is so they can provide a low carbon, flexible and de-centralised source of electricity that benefits local communities, businesses, and homes.

A battery box takes electricity from the network when demand for is low or when there are high levels of renewable energy available.

It then sends that electricity back to the grid when required in periods of high demand.

Mr Fox-Davies said: “This provides a solution to the growing need for flexibility and helps address concerns regarding grid reliability prompted by an increase reliance on intermittent generation of the electricity system.”

The firm intends developing 1,000 of these battery boxes across the UK over the next three years and already has planning permission for them at sites ranging from Cornwall to Birmingham and Merseyside.

These battery boxes are supposed to allow the UK to maximise the use of renewable power and move towards net-zero.

Planning officer, Natalie Hinds said: “Whilst the unit does not provide an employment use, it is considered that the scale and siting of the development would not detrimentally impact the enterprise park, nor would it introduce an incompatible use to the employment safeguarding area.”

Ms Hinds said that there are planning policies that encourage low carbon energy development.

Due to this she the approved the plan and gave it conditional consent.