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19  September

First Minister joins Town Criers for memorable Monty event

18/09/2024 @ 11:14


Hundreds of visitors flocked to Montgomery at the weekend for an event that was even too good for First Minister not to miss.

Eluned Morgan; Montgomeryshire & Glyndwr MP, Steve Witherden; and Montgomeryshire MS, Russ George, were among the attendees as 22 town criers from across the world took part in the Guild of Town Criers championship.

The day was blessed with gorgeous weather as a busy town square was a blaze of colour as Paul Gough, Town Crier from Nuneaton and Bedford, took the Silver Carpenter trophy.

A highlight from the day, which saw guests from New Zealand and Australia take part, was when the visiting Canadian couple got engaged during the Crier presenting his 2nd cry.

The Mayor and Town Council hosted a civic reception on Saturday evening with the Newtown and District male voice choir providing the entertainment.

“It was such a wonderful day and I would like to thank all of those who made it possible,” said Montgomery Town Crier, Sue Blower.

“We had so many visitors and it was a pleasure to welcome the First Minister who stayed for over three hours, mixing with the crowd and enjoying the day.”

PICTURES: By Gary Williams