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28  March

NHS placards appearing outside homes

12/03/2015 @ 04:10

Placards have been appearing outside some homes in Newtown as part of a campaign claiming to want to protect the National Health Service.

The People’s NHS has been campaigning in Newtown and Welshpool saying the NHS is at threat from a EU-US trade deal, TTIP.

It says the Government needs to use a veto to remove the NHS from the deal or agree wording that protect the NHS.

They say they have party support from Jane Dodds (Lib Dem PPC), Gwynfor Owen (Plaid Cymru PPC) and Richard Chaloner (Green PPC). But have yet to hear from Glyn Davies MP.

“It will take just 83 words to save our greatest institution, the NHS from the threat of irreversible privatisation. Or else David Cameron must use his veto,” said a statement from the pressure group which has been visiting residents in Newtown about the matter.

“The wording drafted by an expert in EU law and healthcare needs to be inserted in the  EU-US trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The wording will ensure delivery of robust protection for the NHS from TTIP which people across the UK want the government to deliver, added the group.

The community actions in Montgomeryshire this week is part of the people’s NHS stepping up its campaign across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to demand that either David Cameron demands that this wording is included in TTIP or he vetos the NHS from the trade deal.

Caption: The placards outside homes in Plantation Lane