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22  October

New musical director ahead of concert

25/06/2013 @ 12:45

A new musical director has been appointed to take charge of North Powys Youth Orchestra.

Tim Cronin has been appointed to the lead the orchestra by North Powys Youth Music Trust. Currently living in Brecon, he is also musical director of South Powys Youth Music and co-conductor for the past two years of the Powys Youth Orchestra.

Tim Cronin, North Powys Youth Orchestra“We are so pleased to welcome Tim Cronin to the North Powys Youth Music Trust team,’ said Julie Turner, Trust Administrator.

“He brings with him a huge wealth of experience, a strong background of working with young musicians in this area and an immense and infectious enthusiasm for making music.

"This marks a truly exciting time for North Powys Youth Orchestra and Tim is absolutely key to its development.”

Educated at St Joseph’s Port Talbot, Millfield and Oxford, he studied baroque violin with Ingrid Seifert and trained with the European Union Baroque Orchestra.

He subsequently toured and recorded with many of the UK’s leading period-instrument orchestras including The Academy of Ancient Music, The Gabrieli Consort & Players, The English Concert, Collegium Musicum 90 and The King’s Consort.

Tim teaches violin, viola and music theory in the Brecon area, organises the annual Brecon Baroque Festival, administrates the Mozart Music Fund (a charity set up in 2006 to support young instrumentalists in South Powys) and plays viola with The Cambrian String Quartet.

He believes passionately that all children and young people should have the opportunity to become involved in socially and educationally beneficial music-making and that local authorities ought to invest in this.

Tim will be conducting his first concert with North Powys Youth Orchestra on Sunday (30th June) at 2.30pm in Trefeglwys Community Centre.

The concert also features the String Team, Concert Band and a Primary Schools ensemble.

Tickets, available on the door, are priced just £4.00 for adults and £1.00 for children. Refreshments include strawberries, cream and home baked scones!

The orchestra forms part of North Powys Youth Music Trust which organises weekly rehearsals in Welshpool High School for around 120 young people.

North Powys Youth Band, Training Band, Brass Blowers, String Team and Concert Band complete the Trust’s ensembles. For more information on the Trust and its activities please contact their Administrator Julie Turner on 01686 610554, or visit the Trust’s website